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Everyone thinks they have the best dog

And none of them are wrong


The plight of southern states

How does your personal pet contribute to this?

Imagine your un-neutered male dog, Romeo, escapes your yard or is allowed to roam the streets.

During his few hours of exploring, he impregnates ONE of the hundreds of females also roaming the streets. It takes one encounter!

Females can go into heat multiple times a year. Assuming she is only impregnated once by your dog, she averages a litter of 5-6 puppies (though she can have as many as 12-20).

Anchor 1

There are SO many dogs on the streets in southern states like Texas. Shelters are so full that very few accept owner surrenders. Even those of us that pick up friendly strays on the street are instructed by the city help centers to "PUT THEM BACK (on the street)," as once they are in anyone's possessions, they are considered "surrenders" and therefore are not accepted.

This policy discourages people from responsibly rehoming or surrendering their pet, and contributes to dumping.

As such, there is a growing number of strays on the streets, nearly all of whom are intact and rapidly reproducing





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The average litter size is 5-6 puppies, but the "normal range" is between 1 and 12 puppies. Of the many litters we have witnessed in our foster homes, most have averaged around 8 - 10 puppies.


The largest litter of puppies ever recorded was 24!

The average litter size is 5-6 puppies, but the "normal range" is between 1 and 12 puppies. Of the many litters we have witnessed in our foster homes, most have averaged around 8 - 10 puppies.


The largest litter of puppies ever recorded was 24!

A single female dog can have up to 3 litters a year. Their gestation period is only 58-68 days.


They begin their heat cycle around 6 months old - this means if they live to 11 years old, a female can have up to 30 LITTERS!

Each of these 6 puppies can get pregnant (or impregnate others) by 6 months of age.  By end of the year, all 6 of these puppies can have 1-20 puppies of their own (and if any are male, they can impregnate COUNTLESS females, but we will keep things simple and assume they can each only produce a single litter)

Male dogs do not have a sexual cycle. They are game to reproduce any time a female is in heat.

Because a female dog can have up to 3 litters a year, and their puppies can get pregnant at 6 months old, a SINGLE female dog can generate (through generations) up to 90 puppies in a single year (assuming none pass away, which would reduce the number).


Check out the math:

1 mom --> 3 litters x 6 puppies per litter = 18 puppies

Assume only 12 of those puppies reach 6 months  and have a single litter of their own by end of the year:

12 puppies x 6 puppies each = 72 puppies


72 puppies + 18 original puppies = 90 puppies




After a year:


1 mom x 1 pregnancy = 6 puppies

6 adolescents x 1 pregnancy each = 6 adolescents x 6 puppies each = 36 puppies 


With Romeo's few hour adventure, an average of 36 puppies have been brought into this world to suffer on the streets, compete for food, and fight to survive. 



PLEASE spay and neuter your pets. It is the only way we will ever put an end to this cycle.

Anchor 2

Benefits of Spay and Neuter

Beyond the necessity of spay/neutering for the sake of population control, did you know that fixing your pet is good for their health? 



The average lifespan of spayed dogs is 23% longer than those not spayed, and neutered dogs live 18% longer than those not neutered.

Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs. 

Spayed and neutered pets tend to be calmer and more affectionate companions.

Spaying your dog gets rid of her heat cycle, which means it also gets rid of the bleeding, nervous behaviors, and crying that comes with it.

Let's compare castration of dogs and humans

Anchor 3

As much as this sounds a bit stretched, we run into more people than not that refuse to neuter their animal because they feel it is cruel. After all, we would never dream of castrating a human!


These individuals may understand the health advantages and the overall benefit of spay/neuter to society and the community as a whole - however, it's hard to make the decision to remove your own dog's testes. He is your child, after all.


We urge you to think of it this way:


Is it fair to experience raging hormones, and not be able to do anything about it? There's no dating in the dog world. Their hormones and sex organs are for one thing only: to reproduce. While some animals such as monkeys and dolphins have been discovered to engage in sexual acts for pleasure, dogs do not. Their desire to mate is purely instinctual. Comparing dogs to humans is like apples to oranges! 


When making the decision to neuter, consider this: imagine having raging testosterone in YOUR body, but being prohibited from doing anything about it. No sex. Is THAT fair? 


Please feel free to contact us and inquire about low cost spay/neuter facilities in your area. We will do the work, we just ask that you be willing to follow through.  [E-mail us anytime at]


Ethical breeders vs. backyard breeders

What is a "backyard breeder?"

Backyard breeders don't necessarily refer only to puppy mills or those that breed animals in horrid conditions. A backyard breeder is anyone breeding their dog without authentic breeding papers, genetic testing, and the ultimate goal of improving a breed's bloodline. 

Ethical breeders maintain our distinguished breeds. They perform a battery of tests on their sires and dams, checking for any genetic defects or predispositions prior to continuing the line. These dogs are not used for repeated breeding - they are responsibly cared for, often times showed and very highly trained. They are not bred again and again - most reputable breeders only breed 1-2 litters per animal.

Ethical breeders often belong to dog clubs and organizations, support rescue groups, and understand that his/her actions inevitably play some role in pet overpopulation. 

Ethical breeders are knowledgable in every facet of their breed, including health issues and defects. They research the genetics and perform genetic testing prior to choosing mates and do not breed those that have inheritable diseases.

Ethical breeders do not use dog breeding as a money making business, but rather strives for quality over quantity.

Ethical breeders never breed dogs without papers, and can provide references upon request. Puppies are sold with contracts and health guarantees.

Ethical breeders are knowledgable about parvovirus, keep mom and litters together for socialization, does not allow the puppy to leave its littermates prior to 6-8 weeks of age, and will have both parents on site.


Backyard breeders are those that have "oops" litters - this is easily preventable by spay/neuter. 

Backyard breeders may intentionally breed their dog or stud them out because their dog is "handsome" or "pretty." We have enough handsome and pretty dogs on the streets and in shelters- we don't need a single additional puppy.

Backyard breeders are unaware of the parents' genetic predispositions, may not understand how to properly socialize and train the puppies prior to sale (most puppies should be nearly completely potty trained by 6-8 weeks if coming from a reputable breeder!)

Backyard breeders may have the goal of making money rather than ensuring quality puppies and placing them in quality homes.

Backyard breeders often overbreed to the detriment of the parents. Producing a litter is exhausting, and no animal should be forced to breed again and again and again.

Please do not support backyard breeders, and certainly do not become one. #AdoptDontShop

What is an "ethical breeder?"

If your animal is pregnant or has puppies, whether expected or not

Please contact us! We will not shame you - we understand that these things happen and applaud you for reaching out for rescue help!


Please let us help place these puppies in reputable homes. We enforce a spay/neuter policy and will ensure none of these puppies will be used for breeding down the line.


If you choose to adopt animals out on your own, PLEASE ensure there is a strict spay/neuter contract so your dog's puppies do not become puppy mill breeders.

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